Java Competence Role:
Senior Developer
My Master Kung-Fu Skills:
... there are so many to choose from ...
I'd be excited to get my hands dirty on:
Java EE 6 : see how all the bits and pieces fit together
Q: Hi Dani, how would your message look like if you would have to tell it via Twitter what you are currently doing?
A: Recovering from a busy week and from yesterday’s dinner.
Q: What was the greatest piece of code you have ever written so far?
A: Parsing an XML document in 1 LoC with Spring OXM. Isn't that cool?
JAXBElement<GpxType> object = (JAXBElement<GpxType>)this.getUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new StreamSource(inputStream));
Q: What is the best quote you have ever heard about programming?
A: “These performance improvements are quite slow!”, K. K. 02.09
Q: What is the best quote you have heard from our managers?
A: "In the next quarter the hockey stick effect will kick in."
Q: What is the most cutting-edge technology or framework you actually used on projects?
A: RESTful Web Services with Jersey
Q: Wow! I actually didn't know that CTP uses that already... so we belong to the very early adopters of JSR-311 in customer projects! Nice Dani... when are you doing a Knowledge Share on this? ... Ok let's keep on with this short questionnaire first.
Q: What is your favorite podcast?
A: Discovery Channel Video Podcast – the US original of course – and the Java Posse Podcast
Q: Which Java book can you recommend and for what reason?
A: Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java Second Edition, by far the best Java book I’ve ever read