Friday, August 13, 2010

Java People Spotlight: Bartek Majsak

I'm glad to write another people spotlight, this time about a "newbee" (from a timely perspective), or from a technical perspective about a spicy addition to the Java Geeks at our Zurich Office: Bartosz Majsak... well actually Bartek, but that's another story. He joined CTP in March 2010.
So let's see how geeky his answers are then!

Java Competence Role:
Senior Developer [aka Mr. T due to his extreme passion on Testing]
My Master Kung-Fu Skills
I can mock you out even if you are static ;)
I'd be excited to get my hands dirty on:
Scala and/on Android

Q: Hi Bartek, how would your message look like if you would have to tell it via Twitter what you are currently doing?
A: Thinking how to design my own #arquillian TestEnricher and how to complete "The Challenge of Hades"  in GoW at the same time.
Q: ... and having some drops of Sudden Death on top of it? ;-)

Q: What was the greatest piece of code you have ever written so far?
A: Please come back to me with this question when I will retire :) After a few days, the code which I thought was the most brilliant I've ever written... I refactor, so... I don't have a good answer for this question yet :D

Q: What is the best quote you have ever heard about programming?
A: "If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in." (E.W. Dijkstra)

Q: What is the best quote you have heard from our managers?
A: "There is nothing as permanent as a temporary solution".

Q: What is the most cutting-edge technology or framework you actually used on projects?
A: CDI (JSR-299) and Arquillian.

Q: What is your favorite podcast?
A: I used to listen podcast while I was commuting but nowadays I'm a little bit out of the loop - living too close to the office ;) Of course I like Java Posse (who doesn't?!) and Software Engineering Radio. I'm also addicted to Parleys, DZone and InfoQ.

Q: Which Java book can you recommend and for what reason?
A: I really enjoyed reading "Implementation Patterns" by Kent Beck and "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" by Michael Feathers. The first one gives you interesting hints for how to express yourself through code by keeping it clean and easy to understand for others. The second one will help you to stay sane while digging  into the code of a person who definitely never read the first book. If you are serious about testing you should read Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce as well as xUnit Test Patterns by Gerard Meszaros. Of course all books recommended already by my colleagues are also just great but I didn't want to repeat them here.
Q: DRY pattern... :-) .... Well thanks for your answers and enjoy your mock-ito this evening at the CTP Summer Event!!

You can further follow Bartek's web presence in these directions:
- linked in:
- lastfm:
- twitter:

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