- SUN presents Mango*: Traditionally when we talk about the FOSS stack (free open source software), the first thing that still comes to mind is the LAMP/SAMP stack (Linux/Solaris, Apache, MySQL, PHP/perl/pyhton).
While LAMP/SAMP has been very successful for lots of Internet based businesses (e.g. Facebook), it may not be enough for enterprises looking for advanced middleware features found in commercial products (like JavaEE5 features in general, Portals, SSO, etc.).
Along with the evolution of Java based open source products, SUN positions certain bundles to build the official successor of FOSS:
MANGO* (MySQL And Netbeans, Glassfish and an Open*-Glassfish product) can be seen as the next generation FOSS stack or FOSS 2.0 which brings reliable, scalable and open software to the enterprise. So with the OpenPortal project, there is a strong OSS portal stack ready as a Mango... nice! - SUN: WebSynergy Community Build 5 has been released at the end of this month! Updates are: WSRP 2.0 improvements, jBPM integration into SAW and first functionalities of SWA (Secure Web Access, originally packaged with OpenPortal).
- SUN: Netbeans 6.5: Portal Pack 3.0 M1 has been released. It supports WebSynergy Stable Build 2, and has provides tooling for the following:
- Non-Java portlets: Groovy, Ruby and PHP
- SAW-Plugin included (Simple API for Workflow)
- The plugin for the JCR based Mirage product is also included - eXo:
- People News: Sep 8th: former JBoss portal project lead Julien Viet starts as new eXo Portal Product Manager with focus on portlet container and JCR.
- They announced a new release for september including GWT application support in the eXo Portal. I have not seen such a release this month, so if I missed it, let me know. Otherwise I'll post it next month. - JBoss:
- JBoss released JBoss Portal 2.7.0 CR1
- JSR-286 Portlet Coordination: a very good post about how JBoss Portal has implemented this new Portlet 2.0 feature. - Oracle (BEA)
- WebLogic Portal 10g3: On Sep 16th, Oracle has released Oracle WebLogic Portal 10g3 for download. It is pretty much like WLP 10.2 with the major difference that it runs on WebLogic Server 10.3. The codename for this release is Sunrise.
- WebCenter Interaction (formerly known as BEA ALUI): No news during this month.
- Oracle seeds the cloud: At Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle announced that it will certify/support deployments of Oracle Database (all editions), Oracle Enterprise Linux, Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Fusion Middleware (and therefore WLP and WebCenter Suite) to Amazon Web Services' (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). In fact you may transfer your existing licenses to AWS if you like. Oracle is also providing free Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) in that environment, so you can get up and running on a full Oracle-on-EC2 environment in minutes.
- Oracle Beehive: At OpenWorld 2008, Oracle announced Oracle Beehive (for the developers: this is NOT Apache Beehive): "Oracle Beehive is the solution to cure the present communication fragmentation", said Oracle President Charles Phillips and continued: "The goal is to take a company's setup, in which various communication and collaboration software applications from a number of vendors are running on an army of servers, and integrate the offerings into one Beehive system."
Architecturally, it is an open, secure, scalable and standards based Collaboration Platform providing all collaboration features through web services (using WSDL, SOAP, WS-Security based on SAML). The core of the platform is based on an event-driven architectural style which allows easy logic implementations for certain events (like "customer got an email"). Content-wise the platform features a JSR-170 compliant interface for document accesses as well as interfaces for protocols like IMAP and SMTP (mail), WebDAV (documents), CalDAV (calendar events), XMPP (instant messaging).
Beehive has been quoted already as "Oracle's answer to Microsoft's Sharepoint, but with real enterprise readiness".
However the uphill battle in the collaboration market will look like, I wonder how Oracle will position it with the feature-overlapping WebCenter Suite (which includes collaboration components of BEA ALUI already). It probably addresses a different business need (e.g. build collaboration platform from scratch or from existing). - IBM: no updates for September:
- still WebSphere Portal Version 6.1 with a couple of extension modules, called portal accelerators
- WebSphere Portals can be tried out without installation at IBM's Greenhouse - Vendor agnostic:
- CTP: Our collegues from the Advisory Solutions have posted a nice overview on enterprise portals in the future.
- As indicated in last month's post, InfoQ has now posted all three articles about writing portlets using JSF, Ajax and Seam deployed to JBoss Portal: Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Portal Update September 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Adding JCR support to your existing web application
A new alternative to manage your application data is to store it in a content repository. The approach brings some advantages if compared to the most widespread persistence mechanism in use currently, the relational databases. The main advantage is the ability to have unstructured data. You can store your data first, and then define how it’s going to be organized and how the pieces of persistent information relate to each other. Besides the fact that not enforcing data integrity constraints, when they are not necessary, certainly helps in your application performance. This feature is especially useful when it’s necessary to enhance the data model. Relational databases are known for not having a very flexible structure. On the other hand, the JCR API was designed to target this need.
Suppose that you got a request to have a modification date added to some of your entities. In the relational model you’ll have to find out which tables should get the new field, and maybe provide an initial value for the column. Using JCR, you can simply have this modification date available only in the newly created entities. There is no need to concern about the existing data, because with JCR you can add and remove attributes on-the-fly. There is also no need to change any structure information, because it’s not required to declare any structure at all. If you would like to add a JCR repository to your existing web application, here is a walkthrough covering all the required steps.
The presented scenario assumes a Maven 2 web application, to be deployed in a Tomcat 5.5 server.
If you don’t have a web application to start with, or if you prefer to use a test project first, I suggest you to use Apache Maven to create a simple web project. To do so, run the following command in an empty directory:
mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp \
-DgroupId=com.ctp.jcr.sample -DartifactId=webapp -Dversion=0.1 \
The “archetype:create” Maven goal will create an empty web project called “webapp”. Let’s import this project into Eclipse, so it will be easier to change it. Change to the project directory and run the following command to generate the Eclipse specific project configuration files:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=1.5
The project is ready to be imported by Eclipse (File > Import > Existing projects into workspace; no Maven for Eclipse plugin is required, just an environment variable needs to be configurated).
Another approach to create this project is to use a Maven plug-in for Eclipse called m2eclipse. After installing it, you can create a Maven project by opening the menu “File > New > Other…” and choosing “Maven Project”. In the “New Maven Project” wizard, click “Next”, Choose the “Internal” catalog and in the archetypes list, choose “maven-archetype-webapp”. Click “Next” and provide the group ID “com.ctp.jcr.sample” and the artifact ID “webapp”. To complete the project creation, click “Finish”.
The next step is to add the proper dependencies to the project’s POM. So change it to match the following dependencies:
After changing the POM file, run the “eclipse:eclipse” goal again, and refresh your Eclipse project. As the JCR API has a “provided” scope, the JAR file which can be found in your local Maven repository (~/.m2/repository/javax/jcr/jcr/1.0/jcr-1.0.jar) should be copied to the shared/lib Tomcat folder.
Using a context descriptor file (create the file webapp/src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml) a shared resource, the JCR repository, will be defined. This resource receives essentially two important parameters: “configFilePath”, which is the absolute path to the repository descriptor (the “repository.xml” file, to be explained in the next steps) and “repHomeDir”, the absolute path to the directory which will contain the repository data files.
<Resource name="jcr/repository"
repHomeDir="c:/TEMP/webapp/repository" />
This shared resource needs to be declared in the web.xml file:
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd"
<display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>
<description>JCR Repository</description>
Don’t forget to create the repository descriptor file, in the same path as specified in the context descriptor. If you don’t have your own descriptor, or if you don’t want to concern about it right now, simply copy and paste this one:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Repository PUBLIC "-//The Apache Software Foundation//DTD Jackrabbit 1.4//EN"
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repository" />
<Security appName="Jackrabbit">
<AccessManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.SimpleAccessManager" />
<LoginModule class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.SimpleLoginModule" />
<Workspaces rootPath="${rep.home}/workspaces" defaultWorkspace="default" />
<Workspace name="${wsp.name}">
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${wsp.home}" />
class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.xml.XMLPersistenceManager" />
<SearchIndex class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SearchIndex">
<param name="path" value="${wsp.home}/index" />
<Versioning rootPath="${rep.home}/versions">
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/versions" />
class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.xml.XMLPersistenceManager" />
This simplified repository descriptor doesn’t depend on any kind of specific storage system. You can enhance it to store your data in a relational database, for example, but in our example it will store everything as XML files under the repository home directory.
Now let’s create a session factory class. This class will locate a repository instance and authenticate to it, to get a javax.jcr.Session instance. Create the directory ./webapp/src/main/java, and create the following class on it:
package com.ctp.jcr.sample.webapp;
import javax.jcr.Repository;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
public class SessionFactory {
public static Session getSession() throws RepositoryException, NamingException {
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
Context env = (Context) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env");
Repository repo = (Repository) env.lookup("jcr/repository");
return repo.login(new SimpleCredentials("admin", "".toCharArray()));
With this setup, the JCR repository can be accessed through your web application. The following JSP shows how to use the service factory to list the repository contents:
<%@page import="javax.jcr.Node"%>
<%@page import="javax.jcr.Session"%>
<%@page import="com.ctp.jcr.sample.webapp.SessionFactory"%>
<%@page import="javax.jcr.NodeIterator"%>
private void printContents(Node n, JspWriter out, String padding) throws Exception {
out.println(padding + n.getPath() + "(" + n.getPrimaryNodeType().getName() + ")");
NodeIterator it = n.getNodes();
while (it.hasNext()) {
printContents(it.nextNode(), out, padding + " ");
Session jcrSession = SessionFactory.getSession();
Node root = jcrSession.getRootNode();
printContents(root, out, "");
This is the result displayed by the page. Observe that even for an empty repository, the infrastructure nodes are displayed as well.
Optional step: exposing the repository through WebDAV
To access your repository through WebDAV, it’s necessary to declare a servlet, through which the repository will be exposed. Add the following servlet declarations to your web.xml file:
<description> This servlet provides other servlets and jsps a common way to
access the repository. The repository can be accessed via JNDI, RMI or
Webdav. </description>
<description> Property file that hold the same initialization properties
than the init-params below. If a parameter is specified in both places
the one in the bootstrap-config wins. </description>
<description> The webdav servlet that connects HTTP request to the
repository. </description>
<description> defines the prefix for spooling resources out of the
repository. </description>
<description> Defines various dav-resource configuration parameters.
<description> The webdav servlet that connects HTTP request to the
repository. </description>
<description> defines the prefix for spooling resources out of the
repository. </description>
<description>Downloads binary data from repository</description>
<display-name>Repository Download Servlet</display-name>
Other two configurations file are referenced by those servlets. Create the directory webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/repository/ and create the file bootstrap.properties with the following values:
In the same directory, create the file config.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.IOManagerImpl" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.VersionHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.VersionHistoryHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.ZipHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.XmlHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.DirListingExportHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.DefaultHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.PropertyManagerImpl" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.VersionHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.VersionHistoryHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.ZipHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.XmlHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.DirListingExportHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.server.io.DefaultHandler" />
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple.DefaultItemFilter" />
And that’s all: the default workspace can be accessed through WebDAV in the following URL: http://localhost:8080/webapp/repository/default. On Windows, you can go to “My Network places” and “Add network place” to map the WebDAV location as a folder. When prompted by a username and password, just provide anything; the repository is configured to grant access to any user.
To find more about JCR, Jackrabbit and its related technologies, visit the dev.day.com weblog.
Thanks Douglas for this post! - [Tom & Balz]
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Java People Spotlight: Stefan Malär

Java Community Role:
Senior Business Analyst [aka Java Backseat Driver]
My Master Kung-Fu Skills:
Hitting the Achilles heel: discovery of bugs and weak spots in the code.
Finding the missing link: getting to work whatever doesn’t.
I'd be excited to get my hands dirty on:
DISC (AJAX Framework) in WLP10.2, Flex integration in WLP10.2, WSRP that actually works out-of-the-box...
Q: Hi Stefan, how would your message look like if you would have to tell it via Twitter what you are currently doing?
A: Getting our project live with whatever it takes, even coding… and of course telephone conferences with India, lots of those.
Q: What was the greates piece of code you have ever written so far?
A: A Firefox extension (that was in the days they were still called like that) to link and annotate websites and store this information through SOAP on a multimedia linking server.
A: "Don’t explain it away" (bugs stay bugs...)
Q: What is the best quote you have heard from our managers?
A: "If you use JIRA you don’t need a code versioning system anymore, right?"
Q: What is the most cutting-edge technology or framework you actually used on projects?
A: WSRP, AJAX and SOAP mixed on WLS10 and WLP10. Really a lot of cutting and bleeding involved...
Q: What is your favorite podcast?
A: I was forced to write Java Posse here…, no seriously they are quite good, especially if they talk about non-Java stuff ;-)
Q: Which Java book can you recommend and for what reason?
A: Why read books if you can ask your colleagues whatever you need to know? (How cheesy is that answer! …, actually I can’t remember having read a Java book lately)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Top 10 Java Technologies Update: JCR Part 2
In the other post, I have written about the requirements we usually encounter in projects when it comes to dealing with content in web applications. Not only functional requirements but also non-functional requirements such as "content is stored at different places and must be made available at a single point" were most probably the reasons for Day Software (located in Switzerland) to bring that extra layer to life and started leading the JSR-170.
Instead of rebuilding all that from scratch, Cambridge Technology Partners has chosen many times to propose and implement a JSR-170 based solution.
Being in contact with Day directly, we carefully track the evolution of JCR, currently mainly in the JSR-283 area where the JCR 2.0 standard is about to reach its final state (currently in Public Review Ballot phase).
Since JSR-170 started, it is a hot topic in different places:
a) at conferences like JavaOne in 2006,
b) on the feature lists of product vendors (JSR-170 compliance),
c) used internally in open source products like Drools BRMS for managing business rules, Apache Sling for universal resource storage and Mule Galaxy for SOA governance management and last but not least
d) CTP had many projects in the Enterprise Content Management area where we used JSR-170 bridges (e.g. "SPI to JSR-170 bridge" in the BEA WebLogic Portal where SPI is the BEA custom content interface to their Virtual Content Repository in the portal), we used JCR products directly in projects (mostly Alfresco but also Jackrabbit which is the reference implementation both being good enough for small companies, Vamosa as content migration tool where customers wanted to automate content migration from a legacy content repository to a JCR (and yes, vice-versa also :-). To make the list complete, on projects we never had the chance to use Day's Content Repository Extreme (CRX), eXo JCR (part of the eXo platform), Mirage or Jeceira (part of the Jackrabbit alternative Magnolia).
As said earlier, the official successor JSR-283 is on its way and addresses enhancements in the areas of federation, remoting, client/server protocol mappings and extensions to content modeling capabilities just to name a few. I'm sure we'll compile an extra post on this topic... so check back later.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Java People Spotlight: Phuong Nguyen

Java Community Role:
Developer [aka Fongdroid or JTroubleshooter]
My Master Kung-Fu Skills:
Aikido (Java incompatible and performance leak issues debug & solve)
Judo (Java unexpected errors debug & solve)
I'd be excited to get my hands dirty on:
Android 1.0 SDK with a Google Dream phone
Q: Hi Phuong, how would your message look like if you would have to tell it via Twitter what you are currently doing?
A: Twitter??? Never heard about. Is it a new facebook application? :D
Q: What was the greates piece of code you have ever written so far?
String documentId = request.getAttribute("documentid");
- This line of code will fail to get what we expect to get in a WSRP scenario if the consumer doesn't federate the data to the producer.
- In addition, for some specific configuration of an application server, it would be executed only once, or several times or not executed at all.
- With IPC (Interportlet Communication), it could have the effect that the second portlet get the old value of the last request (one step back effect).
- Many lessons learned from a single line of code. Isn't it great?
A: "No problems :-)"
Q: What is the best quote you have heard from our managers?
A: "At the end of the day, we have to focus" (in french accent)
Q: What is the most cutting-edge technology or framework you actually used on projects?
A: WebLogic Portal 10.0 with WSRP
Q: What is your favorite podcast?
A: Jave Posse ! What else!
Q: Which Java book can you recommend and for what reason?
A: "The Java™ Language Specification", know Java as well as a Java compiler does
Monday, September 22, 2008
How to use Google's Syntax Highlighter in Blogspot
1. Download Syntax Highlighter from Google
2. Extract files and upload them to a webserver ([your URL])
3. Edit your template and replace
</div></div> <!-- end outer-wrapper -->
</div></div> <!-- end outer-wrapper -->
<link href='[your URL]/SyntaxHighlighter.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src='[your URL]]/shCore.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='[your URL]/shBrushCpp.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='[your URL]/shBrushCSharp.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='[your URL]/shBrushCss.js'type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='[your URL]/shBrushJava.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='[your URL]/shBrushJScript.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='[your URL]/shBrushSql.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='[your URL]/shBrushXml.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script class='javascript'>
function FindTagsByName(container, name, Tag){
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(Tag);
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
if (elements[i].getAttribute("name") == name) {
var elements = [];
FindTagsByName(elements, "code", "pre");
FindTagsByName(elements, "code", "textarea");
for(var i=0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if(elements[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA") {
var childNode = elements[i].childNodes[0];
var newNode = document.createTextNode(childNode.nodeValue.replace(/<br\s*\/?>/gi,'\n'));
elements[i].replaceChild(newNode, childNode);
} else if(elements[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == "PRE") {
brs = elements[i].getElementsByTagName("br");
for(var j = 0, brLength = brs.length; j < brLength; j++) {
var newNode = document.createTextNode("\n");
elements[i].replaceChild(newNode, brs[0]);
//clipboard does not work well, no line breaks
// dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf =
//"[your URL]/clipboard.swf";
4. Write your post and add source code (in the HTML tab) using either
<pre name="code" class="java">
// your code here
<textarea name="code" class="java">
// your code here
As an example, the following code
<textarea name="code" class="java">
* Hello World Example
class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String message="Hello World!";
* Hello World Example
class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String message="Hello World!";
- When posting XML or HTML, replace
- change
as needed to java, csharp, css, xml, html, ... (complete list) - JavaScript removes <br/> tags because blogger automatically adds them in case of a linebreak but syntax highlighter would display them in plain text
Friday, September 19, 2008
Java People Spotlight: Christoph Reimann
Java Community Role: Developer [aka Java Grizzly Bear]
My Master Kung-Fu Skills: WebLogic 10, JSF 1.2, Hibernate 3
I'd be excited to get my hands dirty on: EJB 3 , Spring 2.5
Q: Hi Christoph, how would your message look like if you would have to tell it via Twitter what you are currently doing?
A: Right now I'm coordinating the database migration of a marketing application in production together with the single point of contact and the database team.
Q: What was the greates piece of code you have ever written so far?
A: Dynamic Form generation based on business rules
Q: What is the best quote you have ever heard from one of your peers?
A: "sure sure sure" (Martin L, onsite running gag)
Q: What is the best quote you have heard from our managers?
A: "Christoph, was isch denn das füren shizzle?" (BS)
Q: What is the most cutting-edge technology or framework you actually used on projects?
A: WebLogic Portal 10.0 portlet implementations using custom data federation with WSRP
Q: Which Java book can you recommend and for what reason?
A: Handbuch der Java-Programmierung (covers all J2SE topics easy to understand)
Top 10 Java Technologies at Cambridge Technology Partners
- Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3:
Already declared as dead, Java EE has managed to jump back on the train with EJB 3. It incorporates many best practices like convention over configuration, dependency injection and usage of annotations, simplifying development a lot compared to its predecessor.
Although the spec for EE 5 has been out for quite a while, adoption at our customers has taken a while - but now starts getting momentum. I've seen some very nice "Aha!" moments while demonstrating what the new platform has to offer to developers. The combination of POJOs, annotations and Java standard makes setting up projects and unit tests very easy and a powerful mix for development.
EJB 3.1 looks also promising in terms of further simplifications (and fixing some holes left in the APIs) - we're looking forward to help our customers taking this turn as well! - Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate:
As a de facto standard for object persistence, Hibernate has been used in our projects for years now. While working with other persistence technologies like Beehive DB Controls, iBatis or even Entity Beans due to legacy code, Hibernate has proven most efficient once the domain model got a little complexer.
With the new Java Persistence API coming in Java EE 5, Hibernate gets even easier to integrate and use into an enterprise application. We're still missing some Hibernate features like a criteria API in JPA, but JPA 2.0 is about to fix this. Besides easier integration, JPA makes applications also more portable - there are also a couple of other JPA implementations available: Oracle TopLink, openJPA (or its big brother Kodo) or Apache Cayenne to name the best known. Being part of the EE standard, it's not a surprise that integrating JPA with EJB (or vice versa) works great!
Mentioning JPA 2.0, let's see how EclipseLink (nominated as reference implementation) compares to Hibernate! - JavaServer Faces (JSF):
MVC frameworks seem to be around like sand on the sea. From old school Struts over Wicket to Google GWT (or other fancy new AJAX frameworks) - it's hard to decide for "the right one" on projects. My recommendation usually goes to using JSF (with Facelets). Investing in a standard is in general a good thing.
In case of JSF:
- It has proven to be extensibe. There are a couple of very nice AJAX component libraries around, like JBoss RichFaces, Woodstock or ICEfaces. And also, JBoss Seam adds a few killer features to JSF, just to name stateful navigation or transactional backing components here.
- It is programmable with a declarative view definition in XHTML and an expression language. Facelets adds an extremely powerful templating to JSF, which I found much easier to use than frameworks like Tiles or SiteMesh.
- Growing IDE support (Eclipse WTP, JBoss Tools, NetBeans and the latest IntelliJ to name some) featuring WYSIWYG editors or (for me much more useful) XHTML and EL code completion.
By the way, Java EE 6 features JSF 2.0, including enhancements for component developers as well as standardazing on Facelets! - JBoss Seam:
In my humble opinion, one of the most innovative frameworks over the last years. As already mentioned in a previous post, the stack around Seam works for me extremely well and efficient to develop web applications.
Getting back on my previous statement on investing in standards - I'm looking forward to WebBeans (I hope JSR-299 makes it into Java EE 6), combining Seam with typesafe dependency injection of Google Guice! Looking back at my first servlet based web application during CS studies, things have become amazingly elegant to develop! - Spring Framework:
Both EJB 3 and Spring in the same list? Yes, Spring is also a great piece of technology in use at many of our customers. It has not been the first open source dependency injection container (just to mention e.g. Pico) but was the first "enterprise ready" implementation out there making me extremely happy to work with after sweating on an EJB 2 project.
Third party products (e.g. CRMs) which do not support Java EE 5 application server versions are sometimes limiting constraints for upgrading, which make usage of Spring a great alternative to customers which are still bound to EJB 2. Even if you don't deploy a Spring runtime, it offers great support for your unit tests - like using SimpleNamingContextBuilder to mock an InitialContext!
The latest 2.5 release of Spring makes also (finally) use of annotations to inject bean dependencies, which is a great improvement over the previous "XML salad". Adam Bien has written a nice post on XML vs. annotations in EJB 3, which covers with my experiences and can be similarly handled in Spring. - JAX-WS:
While we've gone through a couple of web service technology stacks, the JAX-WS standard has been for us the most convincing on to work with (did I already mention we generally like standards? ;-). Its reference implementation Metro has made its way into major application servers like Oracle WebLogic, JBoss, GlassFish (and probably others), allowing us to easily take best practices from customer to customer.
If you're rather out for something simpler than a full SOAP stack, also have a look at JAX-RS, the standard for RESTful web services. Its reference implementation Jersey is on its way to version 1.0, but already now ready for some really cool use cases (try it out with e.g. JFreeChart to create dynamic charts in web applications)! - TestNG:
While writing unit tests for years with JUnit, I've made the experience that some limitations of the framework have somehow led to ugly test code - clunky test method signatures with no arguments, no mechanism to define dependencies between tests and no built-in mechanism to run test methods with different test data.
In a real world enterprise project, testing just the "unit" is not always enough. With Spring for example, we can run the whole container and execute test cases on it - this is definitely much faster than deploying to the container. TestNG has shown to be more useful than JUnit in this context. Also several large open source projects have decided for TestNG, to name JBoss (by the way: congrats for passing the EE 5 TCK!) or GlassFish. - jBPM and Drools:
Probably not the most advanced BPM on the market, but at least in the open source space jBPM is the leading engine we've been working with so far. Now part of JBoss middleware suite, jBPM together with the Drools rule engine form a powerful couple when shaping SOA applications. But also running without jBPM, Drools has shown to be a great engine to externalise business rules in a very clean and maintainable way (which would otherwise probably have ended up in some ugly if-else jungle or rather complex decorator pattern classes). - Java Content Repository (JCR):
It is extremely common for applications to store various pieces of information, most of the time in relational databases. While they do a great job when working with regular data types (e.g. int, string), we think they are not very efficient when dealing with binary data (unstructured), for example images or documents (structure binaries). On top of that, many features are not covered by pure DB products out of the box:
Usually, such requirements we encounter on projects are proper management of documents, versioning, enhanced meta data tagging, handling of structured as well as unstructured content, proper handling of dependencies between content nodes (known as referencial integrity), flexibility with regards to node attribute extensions and inheritance, administration delegation, and many more.
In such cases where an extra layer is needed on top of a database, JCR and JSR-170 quickly come into the picture of our solution proposals for our customers.
More details will follow in a few days regarding JCR at CTP. - Scala:
Honestly, we haven't had Scala in a customer project yet. Still it seems to be the most interesting newcomer in the "scripting on the JVM" category, offering static typing and a couple of interesting language constructs (to build e.g. DSLs). Unfortunately the learning curve is a little steeper than with other scripting languages, so a deeper analysis on where we can leverage this at our customers will have to wait until my next "beach time".